UPS (Uninterruptible Power Source)

UPS (Uninterruptible Power Source)

A UPS is an electrical apparatus that provides clean electricity protection to electrical equipment against mains power fails and power disturbances. It is also a type of continual power system.

Our specialty, with the IPower brand of our UPS is to put an end to power outages.

A UPS is an electrical protection system in case of power failure, it will protect your equipment against overvoltages, voltages and free interruptions.

Here you will find our products "offline" ranges, also called "interactive line" and "online".

"Interactive line" because it is in permanent interaction with the network.

In the "online" you will have the "mechanical" ranges also called "low frequency" and "electronic" also called "high frequency".

Main function of a line interactive UPS


Main function of an online UPS

Choose your backup time





Give a new life to your UPS!

Most UPSes use sealed, valve-regulated, lead-acid (VRLA) batteries, which are commonly called “maintenance-free



Ipower Battery
Maintenance-Free Valve Regulated Lead-Acid Rechargeable Battery
Battery Yuasa
Maintenance-Free Lead-Acid Rechargeable Battery
CSB Battery
Maintenance-Free Valve Regulated Rechargeable Battery

Interactive line technology switches between the mains and the batteries depending on the availability of power.

These models are also equipped with interference cleaning modules.

The new line interactive
800 VA
Change your battery yourself (DIY)
New: Eco packaging
UPS MM LINE INTERACTIVE-700to 3600VA-Professional Range
Iota ι
Line-Interactive UPS from 900 to 1700 VA

This is a mid-range product that allows for honest protection while preserving your budget.

The inverter excelence, total protection, a pure and perfect current.

We recommend them for any production environment.

Alimentation sans interruption triphasée online double conversion haute fréquence
Serie d'onduleurs modulaires Santana
Onduleur modulaire TM et TT
de 10 á 250 KVA
The new generation
Plus petit et plus performant
Series from this page
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